Where the Gospel informs all of our courses

Elly Achok Olare


  • p.o box 956, Mumias -Kenya

The begginings of WTC

The call to a restoration of the authentic Gospel

Many would be familiar with the story of my own conversion, and the wonderful fabric woven by God’s gracious providences in setting up this Gospel ministry. For those unfamiliar with this story, you can get up to speed by following the link above. 

     I had a twin awareness of two radical realities when the Lord was invading my life in that afternoon of betrothal. Firstly; I was aware that God was radically altering not just my life as I knew it then, but also my understanding of God’s saving Grace in the Gospel. I knew almost instantly that there was going to be a counting of cost, massive loss in my theological and ecclesiastical accumulation thus far. 

     The edifice of learning and experience built for close to 17 years was collapsing around me. It was tumbling down in real time as I struggled to find the true Gospel and understanding of God's saving Grace on my life. That edifice was going down by reason of its own weight; the weight of its own falsity. Needless to say, that was a very traumatic period of my life. 

     Secondly; that awareness came almost immediately; even simultaneously, with the awareness that I was going to reach back to ‘my people’ the charismatics, Pentecostals, and word of faith brethren. It is in those circles I was raised, trained, and laboured as well. 

     I felt, as I imagine the Apostle Paul would have felt when he cried in Romans 10:1

 “Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved” 

It seemed that I could not escape the heavy weight of responsibility to reach back to those who were as lost as I had been. Even though I could not grasp it at the time, this may have been the inspirational deposit for the establishment of the Wisdom Training Centre-School of ministry & Theology. As the testimony narrated, God’s hand in providence found me a place at Trinity Pastor’s College (Formerly Pastors Theological College). 

     Here I would seat under the faithful tutelage of godly men and theologians for 3 years. During this time, the wonderful glories of God’s saving design would open up to the eyes of my mind, and illuminating my heart. I could have spoken with the prophet Jeremiah in 15:16

When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.

I had been thrust in the midst of this rapturous world of infinitely glorious delights. I had found the pearl of great treasure, and I could as well have thought like the four lepers in II kings 7:9, 

What we’re doing is not right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves”. 

This was perhaps the second source of inspiration for the WTC, the desire that others (especially those of my former background) would come into this wonderful realisation of God’s saving Grace through the preaching of the authentic Gospel. 

Then God tangibly put it in my heart

And so a year passed with this burden growing within me, yet without any concrete plans or any idea how this was going to be a reality. I recall one late afternoon, after a class in which we had been taught about the necessity of Holy Scripture for genuine salvation, that I could not get the text of II Timothy 3:15 out of my mind; 

“And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus”. 

Those words rang with distinct reality and urgency “…Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation…” It was ignorance of the Scriptures which had me lost for 17 years, it was the same ignorance of "...the righteousness of God...”, Paul had decried about the Jews in Romans 10:1-4. 

     That whole afternoon I had that text ringing in my mind ceaselessly, with what felt like a very sweet, joyful melody, yet also with a pregnant sense of purpose and instruction. It was while I was walking towards a supermarket, in the neighbourhoods of Donholm primary school in Nairobi that late afternoon, to get some toiletries, that those words were formed in my mind- WISDOM TRAINING CENTRE. I recall whispering those words, fearing that if i didn't, i would forget them. Those words gave me a sense of what i was to do, how i was to respond to the burden which weighed very heavily upon my heart. 

     I was elated with a sense of hope and mission. It was as if after a whole year of feasting on God’s wonderful riches in the Gospel and theological reflection at TPC, God was now letting me know how I might reach back and be useful to ‘my people’. The attachment of that name to the text we had meditated upon that afternoon formed a delightful thought which stayed with me for the rest of that semester, to the time I got back home. This had to be the vehicle by which we would bring the wisdom of the scriptures to my people, the kind of wisdom able to make them wise for salvation. 

     On my return from Nairobi, I immediately began classes in our own Church. We invited pastors, church leaders and rank and file of ordinary church folk from our little village town. These classes we called “evening Bible studies” and were held every Wednesday of each week. 

I was eager for these people to know what God had done in my life, and the wonderful truths i was learning at the Bible college. I started off by doing a series on Paul’s Gospel in the book of Romans, highlighting human depravity and universal guilt. We taught on the intervention of God in sending Jesus to die a substitutionary death, procure a righteousness which no human being was able to produce. We taught how salvation was a work of God alone from beginning to the end. We laboured to show our people the impossibility of being saved by keeping the law and ostensibly presenting a perfect record of good works. The glories of a sure salvation for which the God who saves us from His wrath is the same who keeps us to the day of Jesus Christ.

      This was all as strange a presentation of the Gospel as had been to me a year before I was saved. In God's continuing strange providences, this 'strangeness' was broadcast and stirred curiosity. There are many who came to find out about 'this new Gospel'. Some were sent as spies to confirm that we had indeed 'forsaken true religion' and had embraced a false Gospel. By the wonderful twist of divine irony, there are testimonies of those who were saved during these meetings despite their initial motives. I know that God took hold of one of these spies and radically saved him through the teachings we had in those humble meetings. This is the elder currently serving with me at Gospel Missions Agency Church-Mumias; Pastor Geoffrey Omutanyi Isambo. 

     The interest in these classes would grow, and eventually we moved them into a small, rented room next to our church where we set up a small 2ft by 1ft torn plywood black board. From that time in 2009, God has wonderfully allowed us to see the growth in leaps and bounds of the training Centre. Hundreds have come through this training, new Churches have been planted by graduates from this place, other training centres have started in several areas. Looking back, we can honestly say, it has been the doping of the Lord and it is marvellous in our eyes.

It is for those reasons, and those beginnings of WTC which have made Wisdom Training Centre (WTC) a decidedly salvation ministry. We think of our mandate primarily as that of Gospel recovery and propagation. We think God is blessing our work when we see souls saved, false religion challenged and people enlightened on the true, authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ. We rejoice to see saved men trained and sent out as church planters, missionaries and workers in the Lord's vineyard in diverse areas of ministry.

You can read more about WTC and the programs we offer by following this link